Amsterdam Architectuur - Een gids

€ 29,50
Amsterdam architecture a guide, is the ideal guide for any visitor who wants to know more about the unique architecture of Amsterdam. This guide covers the architectural history of the Dutch capital from the Middle Ages to the present, and contains more than 450 buildings from past and present, both in the historic town and in the suburbs. This sixth edition includes the latest construction projects in the booming city. Of course, a specific chapter on the Eastern Docklands and the islands, one of the most visited architectural highlights of the Netherlands, is included. The enormous success of Amsterdam Architecture is due to the simple chronological structure and the extended register. The architectural guide contains a brief introduction to the architectural history and development of the city, many illustrations, maps, useful addresses and a bibliography for those who want to know more about this subject.
Author Guus Kemme
Author 2 Gaston Bekkers
Language Nederlands
Published 2010
Binding HBK
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