Andrea Palladio - Villa Cornaro in Piombino Dese

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€ 59,50
This book edited by Branko Mitrovic and Stephen R. Wassell presents a full measured survey of one of Andrea Palladios most influential works, accompanied by essays which discuss the design of the villa, the size of the piede (foot) used in creating the villa, and the elements of the villa such as doors and staircases. The survey is presented through 14 gatefold drawings, approx. 16.5 - 23.4 inches each, comprising a complete set of plans, elevations, sections, and window schedules (scale 1:100). The plans and window schedules are thoroughly dimensioned, and the elevations and sections include 5-meter grid lines and window labels for cross reference. (slightly damaged copy)
Author Branko Mitrovic
Author Stephen R. Wassell
Language English
Published 2007
Binding HBK
ISBN 9780926494367
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