The West Coast Modern House: Vancouver Residential Architecture

€ 39,95
The West Coast Modern House chronicles the development of Vancouver residential architecture from the 1940s through its continued influence on contemporary practice. The post-war era in Vancouver defined what has become popularly know as the West Coast Style. Through the work of seminal figures such as BC Binning, Ned Pratt, Ron Thom, Fred Hollingsworth, Douglas Simpson, Barry Downs, and Arthur Erickson, Vancouver architects won recognition for their innovative house designs. This period is now seen as one of the most important in the cities architectural history. Focusing on the years from 1940 to the mid-1960s, The West Coast Modern House features over 50 examples of modern houses. The book is richly illustrated by photographs taken at the time by noted architectural photographers.
Author Greg Bellerby
Language English
Published 2015
Binding HBK
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