Feldstudien / Field Studies

€ 39,50
Agricultural areas in industrial and urban regions will in the future no longer be seen merely as functional space but rather as islands of the beautiful and the useful. In the extremely densely built Ruhr region, two projects explore the space between postindustrial forest landscape and useful agricultural landscape: the Industrial Forest of Rhine-Elbe and the Ornamental Farm of Mechtenberg. In Mechtenberg, Paolo Bürgi, the renowned landscape architect from the Ticino, has designed sequential interventions to accompany the seasonal cycle of land on the grain fields. Starting from these fascinating examples, the book presents exemplary concepts for the cooperation of landscape architecture, agriculture and Land Art.
Author Udo Weilacher
Author Peter Liedke
Language Engels/Duits
Published 2010
Binding HBK
ISBN 9783034602600
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