RHS How to Garden When You're New to Gardening - The Basics for Absolute Beginners

€ 27,50

Are you surrounded by weeds? Is your lawn forlorn? Are your bushes diseased? Do you long to create an outdoor space you can enjoy with friends - a garden you can show off with pride?How to Garden When You're New to Gardening shows you the basics needed to get your green space under control and keep it that way. Drawing on the world-renowned expertise of the Royal Horticultural Society, the book is packed full of creative ideas with lots of simple step-by-step instructions and clear images to help you realise your garden's potential, no matter the size and scale. Get to know your garden and choose plants that will grow well in particular soil types and conditions year after year.

Author Emma Tennant (Editor)
Language English
Published 2024
Binding HBK
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