C3 427 - Pavilions that Last / Fresh Today at the Local Market

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New projects in this issue include the Panguipulli Educational Theatre in rural Chile, designed by a trio of Chilean architects; the renewal of the area around Plaza Gomila in Mallorca by MVRDV and GRAS Reynés Arquitectos; and Sou Fujimoto Architects’ Sky Mountain at the Haikou waterfront on China’s tropical Hainan Island. In addition, the issue has a feature on creating sustainable – rather than ephemeral – pavilions, plus new concepts for the local market: Targ Błonie Market, a park and bazaar under one roof in Poland; the Braga Municipal Market, with a new canopy over an old city square; and the Abastos Market rehabilitation in Tomelloso, Spain, by Studio Metamorphosis.

Language Korean / English
Published 2023
Binding PBK
ISBN 9900000806316
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