Malibu : A Century of Living by the Sea

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€ 38,50
Malibu has long been recognized for both its associations with movie stars, musicians, and other celebrities as well as its twenty-one miles of strikingly beautiful coastline which is saturated with world-class residential architecture. They include multiple Richard Meiers, Frank Gehrys, Charles Gwathmeys, John Lautners and a motel designed by Richard Neutra, along with a dizzying array of homes by more of America's most lauded architects. Malibu's beauty - dense forests, soaring mountains, azure seas - and small-town feel, captivates those who visit. Legendary architectural photographer Julius Shulman, has been capturing the atmosphere and beauty of Malibu since 1938, out of both a personal fascination as well as his professional iconic work.
Author Julius Shulman
Author Jurgen Nogai
Language English
Published 2005
Binding HBK
ISBN 9780810958852
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