A monograph of the genus Geranium L. (Geraniaceae)

€ 120,00

For each of the 307 species covered in this book, complete synonymy and detailed description is given, as well as its distribution, relationships, variability and taxonomic history are discussed. Each species is provided with a map showing its known distribution based on specimens examined by the author, and is illustrated with line drawings and, if available, with colour photographs based on reliable specimens. Some introductory sections explain in detail the morphological structure of these plants, chromosome numbers, breeding system, phytochemistry, distribution, habitats and relationships. For practical reasons and to facilitate the identification of the species, four identification keys have been prepared that cover respectively North and Central America, South America, the Pacific area and the Old World species. This book will be of value to botanists, but also for specialists hobbyists and to anyone fascinated by these plants.

Author Carlos Aedo
Language English
Published 2023
Binding HBK
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