Petra Noordkamp : Better not Move - Beweeg maar niet

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Petra Noordkamp (b. 1967) moves fluidly between photography and film. In 'Better not move', she explores a recurring theme in her work - the influence of experiences, memories, movies and dreams on the perception of architecture and the urban environment - on a very personal level. The photographs were taken during a residency in Japan, soon after the death of her loved one. Images of stones, walls, moss, tree roots and architectural spaces are interspersed with memories of her partner in the form of pictures of his belongings: his shoes, a comb, a porcelain dish. The work touches on anguish, grief, emptiness, and spatial experience, but also on how objects and buildings provide support during a period of mourning. 

Author Petra Noordkamp
Author Edwin van Gelder
Language English
Published 2022
Binding PBK
ISBN 9789461400727
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