Sea of Land - The polder as an atlas of Dutch landscape architecture

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€ 45,00
Sea of Land introduces the polder as an important piece in the jigsaw puzzle of Dutch national identity. What actually is a polder? How does this artificial landscape work? What are its particular features and how can they be further developed? This book describes the history, the impoldering and the layout of the most famous examples of Dutch land reclamation in their interconnection. What’s new about it is the fact it occurs from the vantage point of landscape architecture. Sea of Land is lavishly illustrated and contains a selection of unique polder maps, prints and paintings. The contemporary situation is elucidated by means of aerial photos and more than 200 analytical and design sketches.
Author Wouter Reh
Author Clemens Steenbergen
Language English
Published 2005
Binding HBK
ISBN 9789071123962
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