The smartest animals on the planet - Extraordinary Tales of the Natural World's Cleverest Creatures

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We have all heard talk of the intelligence of dolphins, elephants or great apes, or even, in different ways, ants and bees. But what is this intelligence all about? How do we know which animals are smart, and how do they use this superior intelligence? Written by one of the world s authorities in this field, this riveting book cover the themes of tool use, language, communication, imitation and social learning, numerical abilities, social cognition, emotion, self-recognition and awareness, drawing together the most recent and remarkable global research relating to almost every smart species. Fully illustrated, and including step-by-step illustrations to show experiments and observations both in the field and in captivity, Covering the core themes of, this book delivers cutting-edge scientific research about a topic fascinating to anyone interested in the natural world.
Author Sally Boysen
Author Deborah Custance
Language Engels
Published 2009
Binding HBK
ISBN 9781408113431
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