Theatrum Rosarum - Le Rose Antiche e Moderne inc. DVD

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€ 195,00
A stunning catalogue of old and modern roses in the famous Carla Fineschi private rose garden at Cavriglia, in the province of Arezzo, Italy. This work is the product of a four-year study by the Department of Agronomy, Forestry and Estate Management of the University of Turin's Faculty of Agriculture. Distinguishing between the many types of rose is difficult: the entries therefore contain all the details necessary for identification, based on field data concerning more than 500 old and 5,000 modern roses.What is new about this research is that scientists have transformed previously subjective parameters, such as the description of colour and form, into objective data. Theatrum Rosarum also includes the most up-to-date techniques used in the conservation of the biodiversity of the genus Rosa, made up of a hundred or so species, numerous interspecific hybrids and a multitude of cultivars. It talks of the various types of cultivation, possible juxtapositions with other plants, culture techniques, A unique reference work detailing 5,500 old and modern roses, beautifully illustrated in colour throughout.
Author Elena Accati
Author Elena Costa
Language English
Published 2006
Binding HBK
ISBN 9788842211990
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