Villages and Towns 3 - The Mediterranean Sea

€ 37,00
This instalment of ‘Villages and Towns’ explores island settlements in the Mediterranean Sea and along the North African coast. Photographed by Yukio Futagawa, these ancient places dating back to the seafaring times of the Phoenicians and Romans come to life as living history. Essays by Makoto Suzuki offer observations of places in the Balearic Islands and the Tyrrhenian Sea, extrapolating their typical urban features and architectures, as well as how culture and climate have influenced appearances across the region. Discover Bonifacio, perched on a cliff overhanging the sea, or Procida, an hour’s boat trip from Naples, or even Takrouna and Medenine in Tunisia.
Author Yukio Futagawa
Language English
Published 2016
Binding PBK
ISBN 9784871404563
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